Twitter, Face Book, YouTube, MySpace, Blogs, ASmallWorld, Second Life, Qzone and every innovative and collaborative online social media platform that has emerged in the last few years have transformed the way we communicate online - and in real life - forever. We just cannot ignore this anymore.
They provide new ways of interacting and sharing experiences on every subject imaginable including luxury and have moved the client from the bottom to the top of the relationship with luxury brands. For the first time, the real people behind the purchases that have made luxury companies wealthy have the clout and power to influence thousands of others with just a few clicks.
On the other side of the wall, these tools have brought unexpected challenges for luxury brands and have raised the question of how luxury should present itself online. While brands have been used to brand image projection through 'high-gloss images' splattered in controlled PR, marketing and advertising environments, they currently have to speak in the language of 'words' to evoke the same desired feelings that are suppossed to make clients dream. Luxury brands are also currently required to 'converse with' rather than 'dictate to' clients. The days of the luxury brand as the king of the show seem to be destined to disappear.
But what is really happening in luxury land in the face of these issues? Confusion!
Some brands have joined the bandwagon on Twitter and Facebook while others have gone the way of blogging and nearly all luxury brands have YouTube accounts. Although these actions are in response to opportunities presented by technology, many have been adopted without assimilation, strategic thinking and the right execution. At Luxe Corp, we feel that it's time for this confusion to be addressed.
Following the analysis already presented in Luxury Online, several news reports and analysis by forward-thinking digital citizens, we are organising a Breakfast Seminar on the platform of Club e-Luxe, the executive club we manage for luxury e-business practitioners, on 8th January 2010 at the Four Seasons George V Hotel, Paris. Through the voices of experts, thought leaders, analysts, practioners and strategists, this ever challenging and exciting issue that luxury brands have been so apprehensive about will be addressed and hopefully lead to the emergence of best practices.
Join us to break this relevant topic down. Places are limited to 40 luxury professionals so reserve early to avoid disappointment. Email for full brochure and looking forward to seeing you!
In the meantime you may also watch a video clip of the last Club e-Luxe International Summit held last June at the Ritz Hotel, Paris.